Send your favorite stickers to friends. What are you Italians waiting for to download the app?
Inside the app there is the famous game of 15 in "Italian Politicians" version, try it and let us know how it is!
-Matteo Salvini
-Luigi Di Maio
-Giuseppe Conte
-Silvio Berlusconi
-Matteo Renzi
-Renato Brunetta
-Antonio Razzi
-Virginia Raggi
-Giorgia Meloni
-Maurizio Martina
-Alessandro Di Battista
-Sergio Mattarella
-Danilo Toninelli
-Giovanni Tria
-Alfonso Bonafede
-Nicola Zingaretti
-Vincenzo De Luca
-Vittorio Sgarbi
-Beppe Grillo
-Romano Prodi
-Roberto Saviano
-Hashtag of politicians
- Many more coming!
Dedicated packages for: Lega, 5 star movement, PD, Forza Italia, Fratelli d'Italia, Italia Viva, Sardine movement and Top Viral
Laura Boldrini, Umberto Bossi, Antonio Tajani, Roberto Maroni, Giulia Grillo, Chiara Appendino, Mara Carfagna, Mariastella Gelmini, Anna Maria Bernini, Maria Elena Boschi, Alfonso Bonafede, Gianroberto Casaleggio, Davide Casaleggio, Angelino Alfano and Lucia Azzolina.
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Before using the stickers you must install them from the application.